4 days conference

Programming languages and compilers


a new platform for reports and discussions

Start of Conference November 2022

Only 500 spots!

*We do not share your data to 3rd persons

Individual meetings with key players in the IT market

Where you get comprehensive expertise

6 technological areas on one site

A perfect start for programming

Who benefits

Technical specialists of companies: IS and IT directors, heads of digital transformation, IT and IS engineers and architects, system architects and narrowly-specialized specialists (SOC engineers, DevOps engineers);

Already registered visitors. Hurry up!
Already registered visitors. Hurry up!

Programming languages


Programming languages

Programming languages: functional, object-oriented, scripting, visual.

DSL languages


DSL languages

DSL languages. Program generation and transformation, refactoring.

Programming techniques


Programming techniques

Generalized programming, generative programming, contract programming. Cross-cutting functionality, stratified programming, aspect-oriented programming. Aspect code markup.

Formal semantics


Formal semantics

Formal semantics and theoretical foundations of programming languages, including denotational, operational, axiomatic and categorical semantics.
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Start with us!

What do you get by participating in our free 4 day conference?

Important information on a tight schedule

What will happen on the CodeBug'22?

Session 1:

Executable code preparation tools, Source code version control tools, Subroutine libraries (SDKs), Development, testing and debugging environments

Session 2:

The peculiarity of distributed multiprocessor computing systems, unlike local supercomputers, is the possibility of unlimited performance growth due to scaling.

Session 3:

Peopleware covers all aspects related to the role of people in software development. It is quality and productivity, models and methods, team dynamics, project management, development interfaces and human-computer interaction, psychology and thought processes.

Session 4:

It’s a journey you take with an experienced guide, ready to share all the information about software development: from data types and structures to advanced topics like closures, recursion, and anonymous functions.

get a Useful bonus

A useful bonus awaits you after each day of the conference, which will speed up your knowledge*

*Get access now! Only 500 seats you must hurry up!

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About course author

Best author in the field

Real expert pro level

Expert in the creation of selling sites of any level of complexity

Huge experience

More than 5 years in internet marketing and digital production

Impressive practice

Created more than 100 sites, including large projects

Success that inspires

I earned my first million at the age of 19. It’s incredible!

Known in the pro society

Author of books on business and money thinking

Multi-award nominee

The author has been nominated for prestigious awards

Daniel Blackwood

Web developer
A perfect start for programming

Frequently Asked Questions

Wht is the conference fee?

Registration fee includes attendance in conference sessions, conference materials (programme & abstracts online)

Where the conference will be held?

76097 Sigrid Green East Clara, NJ 02905-6245

How to get conference materials?

You can purchase the materials of the forum and get acquainted with the content of the presentations, view video recordings of presentations and discussions of topical issues of the discussions, as well as assess the prospects for participation in upcoming projects.

Start of CodeBug'22: November 22

Only 500 spots!

*We do not share your data to 3rd persons

Our Marketing Partners

Whether you search for affordable web development services for your business or need a reliable white-label partner, GetDevDone is here to help you. Find out our WordPress website cost and discuss your project requirements with our team.

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Kodjin FHIR Server Solution – tool for processing healthcare data

You can outsource DevOps services to experience team in Ukraine, Boosty Labs.

Giraffe Software offers premier IT staff augmentation services to enhance your team’s proficiency.

Software development team augmentation services from Softellar

Navigine’s Wi Fi positioning system leverages existing wireless networks to provide accurate indoor location tracking and navigation, offering a cost-effective and scalable solution for real-time positioning in various environments.

How to Create a Dating App

Is it worth building another Android/iOS dating app when the market is saturated with similar solutions? This article “How to Create a Dating App” will give you the answer to this and many other questions related to dating apps.


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